Home> Products> Smart weather> Meteorological Instrument>DEM6 type lightweight three-cup wind direction and anemometer
DEM6 type lightweight three-cup wind direction and anemometer

DEM6 type lightweight three-cup wind direction and anemometer

DEM6 type lightweight three-cup wind direction and anemometer measures the wind direction and the average wind speed over a period of one minute....

Overview of the DEM6 lightweight three-cup wind direction and anemometerThe DEM6 lightweight three-cup wind direction and anemometer is used to measure wind direction and average wind speed within one minute. Suitable for meteorology, hydrology, mining and field investigation. It is especially suitable for measuring wind speed and wind direction in harsh outdoor environments.

Technical Parameters

Wind speed: range 1m/s~30m/s (rotor starting wind speed: <0.8m/s)

Wind direction: Range 0°~360° (16 directions)

Maximum allowable error: Wind speed error: <0.4m/s after correction, wind direction error: ±10° (no more than one azimuth when reading the azimuth)

Overall dimensions: 360mm×70mm×75mm

Weight: 0.5kg

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