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Mechanical ventilation psychrometer

Mechanical ventilation psychrometer

Mechanical ventilation psychrometer is a kind of good instrument which is convenient to carry, high precision and suitable for field survey....

Mechanical ventilation psychrometeris also called a mining psychrometer. The mechanical ventilation psychrometer is an instrument that is easy to carry, has high accuracy, and is suitable for field surveys. It is mainly suitable for meteorological stations, industrial and mining enterprises, laboratories and research units. For measuring air temperature and relative humidity.

1. Working principle of mechanical ventilation psychrometer

Fully wind up the ventilator of the mechanical ventilation psychrometer, so that the fan rotates to give a certain speed of air flow, which flows through two side-by-side thermometers. The mercury bulb of one of them is wrapped with soaked skim gauze. The temperature of the thermometer drops due to the evaporation of water on the gauze. Comparing the temperature difference between the two thermometers (wet and not wet), the relative humidity, absolute humidity, etc. of the air can be obtained by looking up the table and converting.

2. Main uses of mechanical ventilation psychrometer

Measure the temperature and relative humidity of the air. Its structural features are more suitable for measuring air temperature and relative humidity in the field without power supply.

3. Technical parameters of mechanical ventilation psychrometer

Operating temperature


Humidity range


scale range


Minimum graduation value


Ventilation speed


Instrument net weight




4. Composition of mechanical ventilation psychrometer

It consists of two identical mercury thermometers and a ventilator, with simple structure and strong craftsmanship.

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