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School weather station equipment - a bridge for science education

author:Automatic small weather station出处:weather stationUpdate time:2024-08-10

Weather information displays can often be found on campuses and at tourist attractions, where they instantly show current temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and other key weather parameters. Compared with traditional weather stations, these displays offer better real-time monitoring capabilities, practicality, and modern technology, making it easy to read weather information even from a distance.

The school weather station equipment serves as a bridge for science education, showing students the mysteries of meteorology and its scientific and technological fields, helping them to understand the workings of nature and imparting knowledge on disaster prevention and mitigation. This equipment is also a powerful support for scientific literacy development. By organising diversified school meteorological activities, it transcends the boundaries of traditional teaching and learning, and deeply stimulates students' desire for scientific exploration, scientific thinking and creativity, making it an important resource for promoting students' all-round science education.

The School Weather Monitoring System consists of several components, including sensors, support poles, boxes, LED displays, data collectors, cloud-based data platforms, and louvre boxes, which work together to monitor real-time climate indicators such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation on campus (users can customise the functions according to their needs). The system not only enriches students' after-school interests, but also provides important data support for their outdoor learning and practice.

With the help of the intelligent cloud platform, users can monitor the environmental conditions of the base and its changing trends in real time. Once abnormal environmental data is detected, the system will immediately trigger an early warning notification to ensure that users can get timely updates and react.

Supports dual-mode power supply of utility power and solar power. The solar mode ensures that the weather station equipment can run for one week under continuous cloudy and rainy days.

School weather station equipment - a bridge for science education
