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Tubular soil temperature moisture conductivity sensor

Tubular soil temperature moisture conductivity sensor

The tube type soil temperature and moisture conductivity sensor measures the temperature and moisture of different soil layers, which are not affected by salt ions in the soil....

Tubular soil temperature moisture conductivity sensor:

Measurement elements: temperature, moisture in different soil layers, and optional three-axis inclination measurement.

Detection principle:

① Soil moisture: Soil moisture uses FDR measurement technology, which internally emits high-frequency detection waves of nearly 1G Hz, which can penetrate plastic pipes and effectively sense the soil environment. By measuring the dielectric constant of the soil, the volume percentage of soil moisture is measured.

②. Soil temperature: Use the thermistor to respond to the real-time temperature of the device.

③. Inclination measurement: Determine the tilt status of the equipment by detecting the tilt angle in the usage environment.

Product advantages of tubular soil temperature moisture conductivity sensor:

①. It is not affected by salt ions in the soil. Agricultural activities such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation will not affect the measurement results, and the data is accurate.

②. The electrodes of the sensor are not in direct contact with the soil to avoid electrical interference on the soil and plants in the soil.

Protection level: The whole machine has an IP68 protection level, and the whole machine can be immersed in water.

Overall machine structure: The product adopts a layered observation structure. There is a temperature observation point on the ground and a soil temperature and humidity measuring point every 10cm in the underground soil to observe the soil temperature and humidity within the corresponding range.

Overall machine size: 59mm in diameter. Different monitoring layers can be configured according to the actual needs of the project. The default height of 5 layers is 790mm.

Measuring point spacing: The default is 10cm per layer, and the measuring point spacing can be changed according to project requirements.

Average power consumption: 0.96W (24VDC power supply, default 5-layer soil temperature and moisture)

Material of the whole machine: PVC high-strength industrial plastic pipe, potted internally.

Response time: ≤60s

Communication interface: RS485, providing specific 485 protocol and supporting secondary development.

Power supply mode: 10-30V wide DC power supply.

Typical accuracy of tubular soil temperature moisture conductivity sensor:

①. Soil moisture: ±5% (@50%, 25℃);

②. Soil temperature: ±0.5℃ (25℃);

③. Inclination angle: X and Y axes: static accuracy ±0.1°, dynamic accuracy ±0.5°; Z axis: static accuracy ±0.5°, dynamic integration error exists.

Tubular soil temperature moisture conductivity sensor measuring range:

①.Soil moisture: 0%RH-100%RH

②.Soil temperature: -15℃~+35℃

③. Inclination angle: -90°~90°


①.Soil moisture: 0.1%

②.Soil temperature: 0.1℃

③. Inclination angle: 0.01°

Installation location of tubular soil temperature moisture conductivity sensor:

① Install the equipment after sowing the crops; the equipment installation location should be relatively high and flat to prevent rainwater from pouring into the equipment and causing equipment short circuit or line failure.

②. Under comprehensive irrigation conditions, give priority to areas with less water as monitoring locations; under partial irrigation conditions, select humid areas as monitoring locations;

③. Select a location where crop growth is balanced and can represent the growth of most crops;

④ Understand the root distribution of the crop being monitored, and generally choose a location closer to the water-absorbing roots of the crop to determine the height of the equipment.

Installation method: Use drilling and grouting installation method, please refer to the instruction manual for details.

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