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Portable weather station for agriculture and forestry production

author:Automatic small weather station出处:weather stationUpdate time:2024-08-12

Did you know that meteorological factors can affect the growth, development and reproduction of cows? The appropriate ambient temperature for adult cows is 5 to 21 ° C, while calves need 10 to 24 ° C. When the environment is in a high temperature state, it will lead to heat stress in cows, causing the body to be in an "overload" state, increasing the load of the body's organs, tissues, and systems, and even death in severe cases. The high temperature of the environment not only causes a burden on the body of cows, but also increases the outbreak of infectious diseases. The hotter the weather, the more active the pests that will spread diseases, and even the pathogens floating in the air will expand the spread of epidemics.

The relative humidity of dairy farming is 50-70% is appropriate, and data have shown that when the relative humidity in the summer barn exceeds 75%, the milk yield of dairy cows decreases significantly. When the relative humidity is higher than 90%, the milk fat percentage decreases by 0.16%~0.18%. The high temperature and high humidity environment will obviously lead to the decrease of feed intake of cows, and the incidence of disease will also increase.

It can be seen that in order to produce good dairy cows, we must create the right environment for them.

In order to help breeding enterprises to better feed cows, wind road technology launched portable weather station for agricultural environment, the use of integrated weather sensors, can be one-time collection of wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, air humidity, air pressure, optical rainfall and other meteorological factors, equipped with aluminum alloy bracket, telescopic, and built-in lithium battery, capacity 12000maH, Battery life ≥50h, and with power display function.

The overall weight of the portable weather station is less than 5kg, and it is convenient to install and use.

Portable weather station for agriculture and forestry production
