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Internet of Things agricultural meteorological environment monitoring station

author:Automatic small weather station出处:weather stationUpdate time:2024-08-08

"Summer solstice hot upgrade summer territory expanded to the northeast" to see this hot search small edition really froze a moment, after all, today the local still under the drizzle, the temperature is greatly reduced, wearing short sleeves riding electric vehicles and even felt cold. June 21, China enters the summer solstice. North China Plain sunny hot weather, South China sweltering, Meiyu in Jianghuai to Jiangnan swing, many places into the rainy season.

The summer is rainy, the weather is hot, and the temperature is high and low, which brings no small challenge to agriculture.

Today, smart agriculture is developing vigorously, and smart agricultural meteorology will integrate environmental monitoring, crop model analysis and accurate adjustment, detect the physical parameters of the environment through sensing equipment, and promote agricultural production automation systems and platforms to monitor the agricultural production environment and specific conditions, so as to achieve agricultural production standards and achieve effective docking of supply and demand.

Last summer, the weather was changeable, sunny in the morning, stormy in the afternoon, and the temperature was like a roller coaster. In this way, the agriculture of "watching the day to eat" is bad.

Today, with the development of science and technology, how to reduce man-made disasters caused by natural disasters through technical means has become the most concerned issue. Smart agriculture solutions can accurately understand agricultural growth and environmental changes through iot technology, scientific adjustments, and precision agricultural production.

Through the Internet of Things agricultural meteorological environment monitoring station, to establish a comprehensive environmental monitoring of the planting area. Through the comprehensive weather station, moisture monitoring system, insect monitoring system, water and fertilizer integrated equipment, to achieve a full range of dynamic monitoring of agricultural growth areas, effective prevention and control of insect pests, floods and other disasters, improve agricultural production efficiency. Remote regulation of agricultural environment to improve disaster prevention capabilities.

Internet of Things agricultural meteorological environment monitoring station
