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Atmospheric electric field meter

Atmospheric electric field meter

The atmospheric electric field meter is a device that can measure the atmospheric electric field and its change, which can be used for routine meteorological service forecast, aerospace support and power system early warning....

Atmospheric electric field instrumentis also called atmospheric electric field monitor and atmospheric electric field detector. Atmospheric electric field instrument is a device that can measure atmospheric electric field and its changes. It can be used for services such as conventional meteorological business forecast, forest lightning strike and fire early warning, aerospace support and power system early warning. .

Equipment name Atmospheric electric field instrument
Electric field measurement range -30kV/m~30kV/m
resolution 20V/m
Accuracy better than 5%
Detection distance (radius) 15KM
Sensor weight 3kg
Input voltage 24VDC/220VAC
Power consumption 0.65W
size 300mm
Operating temperature -40℃~55℃
interface 485
Protocol MODBUS
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