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Introduction to portable jamming UAV equipment

author:Automatic small weather station出处:weather stationUpdate time:2024-08-12

In recent years, the rapid development of the UAV market, accompanied by the large-scale research and development and production of Dajiang, Jifei, and zero intelligent control manufacturers, has made commercial drones extremely cost-effective, and the promotion efforts are also increasing.

Because consumer rotorcrafts are now widely used, many sensitive places that are not allowed to fly, such as prisons, airports, government agencies and high-level scientific research sites, border areas and military bases, often have unknown enthusiasts or ulterior motives for aerial photography.

However, at present, there is still no domestic regulation on drones, especially "black flight" drones. The proportion of black flying of micro-drones in the air is about 90%, which poses a huge hidden danger to air supervision and air safety.

For drone flight in such scenarios, portable jamming drone equipment is often used to resist. Portable jamming UAV equipment is a set of detection and combat integrated handheld jammer equipment, it is "integrated perception, machine intelligence, to achieve the Internet of everything" as the design concept, the detection, tracking, forensics, display control, countermeasures and networking functions organically combined. The individual equipment contains the full functional elements of UAV control to realize the whole operation process of UAV control. The portable jamming UAV equipment solves the problem that the traditional hand-held jammer does not have the detection function and is easy to miss and misjudge; The serious problem that the interference frequency band is fixed and cannot interfere with the UAV in the special frequency band. Devices cannot be networked for platform management and control, and so on. The equipment is small in size, light in weight and easy to carry, which can not only be used by individual soldiers on duty, but also carry out collaborative support tasks with networking cooperation, effectively assisting low-altitude control requirements in major areas such as public security, judicial, airport, petrochemical oil depot, electric power and nuclear power, border defense and smart military barracks.

Introduction to portable jamming UAV equipment
