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Introduction to micro-meteorological monitoring system of power transformation Internet of Things

author:Automatic small weather station出处:weather stationUpdate time:2024-08-10

The micro-meteorological monitoring system of power transmission and transformation Internet of Things focuses on the real-time monitoring, data collection and depth perception of the physical and environmental quantities at the sensing layer of power generation, transmission, power transformation and other power grid equipment in the power grid system to realize the research and application of the active "meteorological warning, status evaluation, fault location, etc." functions of the devices at the power generation side, transmission line side and power transformation side. To achieve the core equipment of the power grid "measurable, perceptible, early warning, interactive" two network construction. The monitoring system is composed of four layers: perception layer, network layer, platform layer and application layer, and makes full use of modern information technology such as mobile Internet and artificial intelligence as well as advanced communication technology. The invention realizes the interconnection of everything and human-computer interaction in all aspects of power system generation, transmission and transformation, and an intelligent service platform system characterized by comprehensive state perception, effective information processing and convenient and flexible application.

Relying on intelligent new integrated sensor technology micro-weather station and ubiquitous power big data platform, the substation Internet of Things micro-meteorological monitoring system uses modern Internet of Things technology to achieve real-time monitoring of meteorological data and physical status of core equipment in power system, transmission and transformation, real-time access, and data interconnection. In addition, real-time analysis and application of Internet of Things meteorological data and physical state quantity are carried out to improve the intelligent service level of power grid operation and improve the intelligent operation and maintenance management level of equipment.

Introduction to micro-meteorological monitoring system of power transformation Internet of Things
