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Functions and characteristics of the on-line detection system for negative oxygen ions

author:Automatic small weather station出处:weather stationUpdate time:2024-08-10

Negative oxygen ions are the "vitamin" in the air, and the atmosphere contains a certain concentration of negative oxygen ions is beneficial to the human body. According to the WHO's standard definition of fresh air, the concentration of negative oxygen ions needs to be no less than 1000-1500 per cubic centimeter. The negative oxygen ion monitoring station can record the number of negative oxygen ions in the region in real time, and provide services and guarantees for the construction of ecological civilization and the development of global tourism. Negative oxygen ion monitoring is mainly used in environmental monitoring, air quality detection and other fields. In many cities has been built with a complete function of negative oxygen ion monitoring data acquisition system.

The negative oxygen ion online detection system has the following functions:
1. Automatic sampling: the data obtained from the site can be directly transmitted to the monitoring center for analysis and processing, and can be remotely transmitted through the network.
2. Alarm: When abnormal conditions occur within the monitoring range, audible and visual alarm can be issued.
3. Information release: Users can query the negative oxygen ion content value online.

The negative oxygen ion online detection system has three characteristics:
1. Use the combination of digital display and text;
2. Adopt embedded technology;
3. Using wireless data transmission technology, remote mutual control management can be achieved without wiring.

All in all, the negative oxygen ion online detection system is a kind of air quality detection equipment with computer technology and Internet of Things sensor technology as the core. The system automatically samples the negative ion concentration in the air, stores and analyzes the data, and then displays the current concentration value on the computer according to the need for users to query. It can not only monitor the air quality in the area in real time, but also reflect the air pollution situation in time. It combines with network communication technology to realize the interaction and remote control between environmental information and products, and solves the problem that traditional monitors cannot meet the requirements of modern environmental protection.

Functions and characteristics of the on-line detection system for negative oxygen ions
