Portable sex detector

Portable sex detector

The portable sex trap can give real-time feedback to the pest situation in the field, and reflect the needs of crop protection through the data of pest occurrence....

1. Product introduction ofportable sex lure tester

The portable sex lure tester is also called the intelligent insect sex lure tester. The portable sex lure tester can provide real-time feedback on the pest situation in the field. Through the data on the occurrence of pests, it can respond to the needs of crop plant protection and meet the needs of fruit tree pests, agricultural pests, storage pests, Forecasting and reporting of various common pests such as quarantine pests. The portable sex lure detector uses the chemotaxis of pests, combined with sex lure technology, electronic control technology and wireless infrared carrier automatic correction technology, to realize the scientific monitoring of the occurrence of insect pests.

2. Product features of portable sex lure tester

1. Remote wireless real-time monitoring

2. Portable structure design

3. Wireless infrared carrier automatic correction, high precision counting

4. High endurance working mode (power consumption can last for more than 45 days)

5. Real-time analysis of the law of pest disasters on the supporting platform

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