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Wind power icing thickness monitoring system

Wind power icing thickness monitoring system

The wind power icing thickness monitoring system can monitor the icing and icing thickness of fan blades, wind speed, direction, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, optical rainfall and total radiation around the wind turbine in real time....

1. Composition ofwind power icing thickness monitoring system

1. 7 ice thickness sensors

Three sets of fan blades, each set of fan blades is equipped with two ice thickness sensors FT-JB3H, a total of 6

The main tower is equipped with an ice thickness sensor FT-JB1H

2. A miniature meteorological instrument to monitor elements such as wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, optical rainfall, and total radiation.

3. A set of hosts to collect data and transmit data

4. A set of solar power supply system

2. Product features of wind power icing thickness monitoring system

1. Ability to monitor fan blade icing and ice coating thickness online in real time, as well as wind speed, direction, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, optical rainfall and total radiation around the wind turbine, and automatically store and upload data to the background;

2. Able to analyze icing conditions and automatically alarm or prompt;

3. Technical parameters of wind power icing thickness monitoring system

1. Ice coating thickness: Measurement principle: microwave detection, maximum measurement thickness: 30.00mm, detection resolution: 0.01mm; power: <1W (optional ice melting device 15W)

2. Wind speed: measurement principle ultrasonic, 0~60m/s (±0.1m/s) resolution 0.01m/s; (Invention patent, patent number ZL 2021 1 0237536.5)

3. Wind direction: Measurement principle ultrasonic, 0~360° (±2°); Resolution: 1°; (Invention patent, patent number ZL 2021 1 0237536.5)

4. Air temperature: Measurement principle: diode junction voltage method, -40-60℃ (±0.3℃), resolution 0.01℃; (Calibration certificate of Beijing Meteorological Bureau)

5. Air humidity: measurement principle capacitive, 0-100%RH (±3%RH), resolution: 0.1%RH; (Calibration certificate of Beijing Meteorological Bureau)

6. Atmospheric pressure: Measurement principle: piezoresistive, 30-1100hpa (±0.25%), resolution 0.1hpa; (Calibration certificate of Beijing Meteorological Bureau)

7. Optical rainfall: Measuring principle is photoelectric, 0-4mm/min (≤±4%), resolution 0.01mm; (Invention patent, patent number ZL 2022 1 1306149.3)

8. Total radiation: Measurement principle: photoelectric effect, 0-1800W/㎡ (<±3%), resolution 1W/㎡;

9. Collector power supply interface: GX-12-3P plug, input voltage 5V, with RS232 output Json data format, collector power supply: DC5V±0.5V peak current 1A,

10. Sensor modbus, 485 interface: GX-12-4P plug, output power supply voltage 12V/1A, equipment configuration interface: GX-12-4P plug, input voltage 5V

11. Solar power supply, lead-acid battery, optional 30W 20AH/50W 40AH/100W 100AH. Charge controller: 150W, MPPT automatic power point tracking, efficiency increased by 20%

12. Data upload interval: adjustable from 1 minute to 1000 minutes

Wind power icing thickness monitoring system

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